Re: [Epic] War Cakes

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 09:54:30 -0400

> I forgot that �clairs were also cakes...
> In French an "�clair" is a lightning or a cake but I don't know why
> we gave it this name... :)

I suppose someone will come up with a theory as to what that means
symbolically, but I have no idea. Lightning war cakes, I like it. :-)

> "Fais moi confiance" means "trust me", you're right : your French is
> good!

My French is lucky.

> I'm working on the translation of your campaign update, how do you
> manage to write so much in so little time?

I have always had a talent at being long-winded. ;-) Au contraire, mon
plume est eclair!
(Did that make any sense? I really am making this up as I go...)


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Wed Sep 10 1997 - 13:54:30 UTC

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