[Epic] The Campaign So Far...

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 09:52:16 -0400

Quick update on the Imperials vs. Orks campaign we are testing thus
far. We have fought the first two campaign turns and the Orks are
doing very well. Bart chose to start with the Goffs and has already
convinced the Evil Sunz and Bad Moons to join his Waaagh!

Turn 1 2500 Orks vs. 2000 Imperium

After receiving an unorthodox command directive, the Imperium went on
the offensive. This caught the Orks offguard. The Imperium was able
to capture one Ork territory that had been left undefended in response
to other attacks.

The defended Ork territories beat off the imperial assaults. The
Warlord Titan Reaper was destroyed by a gargant with a chainsaw and the
super heavy tanks of the Anacreon Guards 10th Company, 1st Platoon were
annihilated by a combination of Flyboys and the Warlord's Great

Battles in other sectors were going well for the Imperium, however, so
they managed to gain two victory points. The Orks gained one. This
gave them a one in six chance of convincing another tribe to join.
They succeeded (!) and the Evil Sunz roared into the campaign with 500
points worth of Kult of Speed and Battlefortresses.

Imperium: 2 Orks: 1

Turn 2 3000 Orks vs. 2000 Imperium

The Imperium received another attack directive and spent a victory
point to ignore it. They used up their second victory point to
requisition some strategic reserves (a 250 point detachment of Leman
Russ and Hellhound Tanks) to aid in the defense of the front line

The Orks happily rolled over to the attack and invaded two Imperial
territores. The Evil Sunz roared up from their lands and attacked the
Imperial forces in the Ork territory they had taken the previous turn.

After a tough fight against Imperial Armor and Artillery, the Evil Sunz
carried the field with some brilliant maneuvering - albeit losing their
battlefortresses in the process. In the meantime, the Warlord in his
Great Gargant singlehandedly wiped out another superheavy tank platoon,
a heavy infantry platoon and an artillery battery in the process of
steamrolling the center of the Imperial defensive line. During this
battle some Ork flyboys single handedly downed three Thunderbolt
fighters in one pass, suffering no losses in return!

On the Imperial right, the Warlord's cousin led his Warband to ever
increasing glory (They went up to 8 experience after this battle and
their second dead Warlord Titan. They are now Stubborn.). With
another warband in support and that gargant with the chainsaw they once
again destroyed a Warlord Titan (this time the Scimitar). The reactor
meltdown destroyed the gargant and a large part of the cousin's warband
but did not bring it to half strength. In the meantime the other
warband of shooty boyz and big gunz pounded the detachment of armor
from the strategic reserve. Flyboyz bombed the artillery and soon
brought Imperial morale low enough to cause a general retreat.

The Orks had regained their territory and wrested control of two minor
Imperial territories in one turn! Of five battles so far, the Imperium
had won none (we came close in two, though ;-). Moreover, the Orks had
destroyed enough of the Imperial superheavy tank company that the
remaining crews to be put into the field were no better than green
recruits (experience 0, removes d6-2 blast markers instead of d6-1).
The Orks had air superiority and ground superiority. Things were
looking good. So good, in fact, that the Bad Moons decided to join up!

The Imperium is in a desperate situation. The Orks hold most of the
first line of resistance. A fortified major territory is in the second
line and there we must hold!

Imperium: -7 Orks: 3
(For a net difference of 9 victory points on the turn, the Orks get
four momentum effects to use in their next turn's battles. This is
gonna hurt.)


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Fri Sep 12 1997 - 13:52:16 UTC

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