I think these graphics designers have gamed epic/40k.
you have these VERY marine like troopers in it and commander units for them
have even shoulder banner on their backs!
Also the mecha units they have look very much alike warhounds/old warlord
titans, the smaller mecha have huge long ranged missile on their
backs/carapace attached, and the bigger mecha units have also banners
attached on them.
Also some tanks look very 40kish with all the bolts and iron decorations.
Also the game has special 'cards' that are like psionics, turn units invis,
throw damaging effects on units etc.
Only thing i gripe about is unit AI and a bit sluggish unit movement but
it's rather playable and also it's stabile on network.
Received on Mon Sep 15 1997 - 18:34:06 UTC