[Epic] Web Content (long/survey)

From: Andy Meechan <a.meechan_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 97 17:28:09 gmt

     I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I find that some web pages
     just don't 'do it for me'. I'll leave the issue of space between
     updates alone for the moment and focus my queries more on the content.
     My Blood Bowl page has received a few compliments in it's time and It
     seems that the content has been a major contribution to this praise.
     Self congratulation aside I'd like to know what makes a Web page for
     YOU folks. To this end I'll pop a few questions at you and would
     appreciate any feedback (to me at a.meechan_at_... preferably) -
     yes I AM considering expanding the scope of my pages :P
     I personally feel that Browser support is Tables and some CGI leading
     to mostly Netscape 1.0+ and some Netscape 2.0+ compatibility, but I'd
     like to know what everyone else feels about Frames, Java and ActiveX.
     Also a Quarterly update is fine by me as I've been running a web page
     and know how difficult it is getting information to justify updates
     any more regularly; although my updates are quite comprehensive (i.e.
     there's generally 3+ major articles added!).
     As to content ... sheesh, I don't get a kick out of reading other
     folks home leagues for Blood Bowl, but I think the Newsletter for
     Necromunda worked as a real-life example of what the reader could do
     along with my Campaign ideas (as I did not intend the reader to become
     too involved in the "what happened next" sense). Battle reports are a
     possibility though.
     Although I could be going wrong somewhere, that's why I'm doing this!
     I'll release the results to the list once I get a handle on your
     answers (and come out of a huff!).
     Hopefully most of the following should be Yes/No, but any extra
     comments would be appreciated:
     1) Web Pages should contain ...
        ... [links to] House Rules Yes/No
        ... [links to] Rules errata Yes/No
        ... Battle Reports Yes/No
        ... Reports with maps Yes/No
        ... Personal Campaign Details Yes/No
        ... Rules for Campaigns Yes/No
        ... Terrain Ideas Yes/No
        ... Tons of images Yes/No
        ... Personal Thoughts on gaming Yes/No
     2) Web Browsers supported should be ...
        ... Internet Explorer & Netscape 4 Yes/No
        ... Java & ActiveX Yes/No
        ... Frames & Tables (Netscape 2) Yes/No
        ... Backgrounds Yes/No
        ... Netscape 1 Yes/No
     3) Web pages should be updated ...
        ... Weekly, Dammit! Yes/No
        ... Monthly, please Yes/No
        ... Every Two months Yes/No
        ... Quarterly is just fine Yes/No
        ... Erratically Yes/No
        ... Once Trick question!
     4) Any other commentary? (fill this bit in yourself!)
     Thanks in advance
     Coach Blacknife's Dugout (Blood Bowl tactics, pictures and stuff):
     Necrobites (Necromunda):
Received on Tue Sep 16 1997 - 17:28:09 UTC

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