Re: [Epic] Squats and rhinos

From: Perrin Haley <phaley_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 21:06:39 -0800

>> >Rhinos should only carry Chaos SM's.
>> And squats?
>Well, the support cards *actually* say "Chaos Space Marine Rhinos", so I always
>played that only SM's could ride in them - I'm aware that isn't a rule though.
>Do non-chaos Squats use rhinos?

They definetly<sp?> do, but certainly not to the extent that non-chaos SM's
use them (they have to be bought as support cards, and are not provided
with each company.) None the less, my playing group house-ruled that Chaos
squats (as well as any Chaos unit that is based five-to-a-stand) are
allowed to ride in Rhinos. Daemons, OTOH, have to find some *other* way to
get around (did I hear somebody whisper "Plauge Tower"?)


"...I could never become a prophet...just
a critic - which is a poor thing at best,
a sort of fourth-rate prophet suffering
from delusions of gender."

        -Jubal Harshaw, "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 05:06:39 UTC

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