Re: [Epic] Warlock Titan weapons

From: Perrin Haley <phaley_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 21:00:59 -0800

>> Well, I just got my Warlock Titan in the post today, so here's a question
>> for other Eldar players. I got a pulsar, psi-cannon and a power fist, so what
>> do you find is the best weapon fit? I plan on using the Titan as either a
>> phantom or a warlock, depending on how I feel at the time. Psi-cannon sounds
>> cool but it's only 50cm, and I know everyone likes pulsars (um, except for
>> non-eldar players :)
>> Philip
> Why do we like pulsars - 100 cm range is as good as it gets for these
>titans 2+ hit rolls is excellent, -2 save isnt great but with d6 hits its
>excellent for both stripping void shields or when void shields are gone a bunch
>of -2 hits is usually as good or sometimes better than 1 big hit (ie if it
>scatters).The ability to use the template agaisnt a group of targets isnt
>as good as having multiple dice to spread out but still increases its

Yeah, you've just got to love (or hate, if you don't play Eldar) that
Pulsar! Although, I've found that they work out better when mounted on the
Phantoms and paired either with a Heat Lance or Tremor-Cannon, since the
Pulsar's versatility balances out the single-mindedness of the other

> Psi cannons - at least on a warlock titan theyre 4+....With the
>exception of use against GD's the Pulsar is just generally better all round
>(although the question to be asked is do void shields give titans a 4+ vs the
>lance? if they do id say take a pulsar if not the lance may be a good anti
>titan weapon but still I'd take a pulsar.

I'd say that Void Shields *do* provide a save against the attack, but who
cares? That still means that you only need to make two 4+ rolls to get a
hit on a Titan's head, which then gives you a one in six chance of knocking
it down, and if not, at least you cripple him. And who said that the
Psy-Lance was only good against GD's? Anyone want to nail an SHV? What
about a Wierd-Boy tower hiding under a Dragsta field? I think it is even
worth it to fire this thing at Land Raiders if you can get two of them
under the template, considering the fact that most of the other save mods
in the Eldar army are only -2, which means that a Raider gets to live 50%
of the time otherwise.

> The power fist sucks. The guns arent very impressive and if you
>win in close combat Id rather just get a roll than risking getting nothing
>out of it......).

Let's not forget the fact that the Warlock Titan gets psychic powers. With
Witch Sight on, you get an additional die in CC (actually, your opponent
rolls one *less* die) which kind of makes the Eldar Powerfist (on a Warlock
Titan) equivalent to a Chainfist, Powerfist, and a good, 50cm,
anti-infantry gun (4 shots, 4+ to hit, and a -1 save.) And all of this is
in one weapon slot!

I'd say go for the Psy-Lance and the Powerfist; if you don't you're (IMHO)
giving up firepower that you paid for. And so what if you'll be low on the
long range shots, you've got one of the fastest, most manuverable titans in
the game, and if worst comes to worst, you still have those wing lasers
(75cm, 2 shots, 3+ to hit, and a -2 save; equal to a Turbo-Laser
Destructor.) I was lucky enough to get my hands on two wing lasers, but if
you do play WYSIWYG, don't fret too much over that missle wing, as it *is*
ranged at 100cm, which I think alot of people over look (although, if you
can get away with two wing lasers [one real and one make-believe] go for
it.) Hope this helped!



"...I could never become a prophet...just
a critic - which is a poor thing at best,
a sort of fourth-rate prophet suffering
from delusions of gender."

        -Jubal Harshaw, "Stranger in a Strange Land"
Received on Tue Feb 04 1997 - 05:00:59 UTC

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