RE: [Epic] Replicate Miniatures

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 06:50:41 -0700

>At 10:56 PM 22/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Sauron1 writes; Actually copying lead miniatures seems a very expensive and
>>hazardous procedure. Vulcanizing rubber, mixing and pouring lead in to
>>rubber molds and spinning them to get proper penetration is not easily
>>done. Unless you are in the jewelry business, or know some one who is.;}
>>Manufacturers us spin casters the size of washing machines with 12" molds
>>split horizontally.Their casting employees are expensive to insure
>>medically as Lead exposure is carsigenic! Actually my research of two
>>miniature figures producers economics show that the greatest expense is the
>>printing costs of the packages and the plastic bubble.( Don,t Ask! Who or
>>how!) sauron1
>Although copying lead figures in plastic is neither expensive nor

-----> I had an acquaintance a few years back who used to work for some
mini companies
in the early 80's. He copied mini's pretty regularly. He had some
equipment, and it didn't
seem that difficult (he wasn't doing mass quantities either, though) but
the quality was
a bit of a drop (smaller detail obscured in some places). I didn't like
the guy anyway,
and this was just another reason.
        Plastic, eh? I thought that was harder than metal. Enlighten me just a

Chirs Miller
Received on Tue Sep 23 1997 - 13:50:41 UTC

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