[Epic] Variation on Stompers & Tanks

From: Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 00:44:22 -0400

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Sauron1 writes; Stompers,the least of the gargants. You get one with every
new Ork infantry sprue. But if you are an old hand at Epic you have a
couple. Now first they are Ork Mechboy gagets and second they are all the
same. In the world of Orks, this doesn't fly, therefore variations.

Basically at least cut the weapons of and rotate them to different angles,
and add one of the Ork tank CC weapons from the front of the new tanks.

Cut the head off and eather replace it with the blocky tank turret from the
Ork tanks and leave it,or put the Ork head on top of it.

Cut the gun out of the right arm and leave the buzz saw. Add half of one of
those grabber arms from the front of an Ork tank to eather create a close
combat arm. or a lifta-dropa arm.

Replace the head with the tower roof tank turret.

Replace eather or both arms with a tank turret, especially the double one.

Cut an old Meckboy Tractor cannon in half and mount it as a belly gun
tractor cannon.

 Mount the gun you cut out of the saw arm as a belly gun.

Add a small deck sticking out from the furnace room hatch at the back, like
the bigger gargants have.

Cut the Ork head down and mount a Nob on the top.

Tank variations; cut the twin guns off the tank turret and angle them up as
an AA tank.

Cut the gun off eather an old Ork transport or a new tank and add half of
one of those grabber tank CC weapons to make a mechboy repair tank. You
could use it for Ork vehicles (like it has been suggested for infantry
medics by Alan, a better rule writer than me) to repair ork equipment
during a battle.

Cut Orks and mount them in the hatches as tank commanders.

 If you buy the New large Ork tanks swap some of the turrets with the
plastic tanks for variations.

If you have five of those tractor cannons cut the wheels and rear deck off
to make them fit on a tank body as any SP gun you like.( It doesn't matter
for you Epic40k guys anyway)

 Thease are basic ideas but the new plastic Ork tanks(transports for you
Epic40kers) do give you possibilities the all metal earlier ones didn't!

                                                that old Epic2nd player sauron1
Received on Fri Sep 26 1997 - 04:44:22 UTC

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