Excerpts from Epic: 30-Sep-97 Re: [Epic] web page by Alan E & C. J Brain_at_dyna
> 1. All the text fluff from SM-1, Codex Titanicus, etc. (Lots of
> Text/Typing here)
I'm working on this, *very* slowly.
Right now, I've got a fair bit about the Orks (the most fun, and I
didn't think the Brain Boyz were well known), plus a bunch on the Eldar
Avatar, Eldar Titan clans, the Marine Implants stuff I posted recently,
a short blurb on the Eye of Terror, and a couple semi-random quotes.
Seeing as school is currently taking more time than I'd thought (or, at
least, hoped ^_- ) not much is happening... look for more on Titans
(from Adeptus Titanicus) to go up next, though.
Aaron Teske
Received on Tue Sep 30 1997 - 01:41:12 UTC