Re: [Epic] Eldar Army

From: Neil R. Thomason <n.thomason_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 17:15:46 +0100 (BST)

>> In WD214, there's a good house rule for treating Hawk Aspect Warriors
>> fliers.

>Would you or someone please post a summary of these house rules? I'm
>very interested in the hawks as fliers particularly.

It'll be in WD soon, but in summary, Hawk detachments can be deployed as if
from drop pods. They're too slow to be used exactly like fliers, but this
rule makes them more useful than the basic rules allow. A second house rule
in the same article allows fliers to evacuate troops from the battle,
allowing them to be redeployed elsewhere on the battlefield in a subsequent
turn. If Hawks could be considered as fliers performing their own transport
missions, this rule could be applied to them too. WD (sort of0 suggests
this though recommending that extra points should be paid, since the units
are far more powerful.

>> (well, you will have seen at least 3 of my Phantoms in White Dwarf, so
>You mean in Golden Demon? Which issue were yours in?

I don't remember! The first one was probably in the book GW did for the
1990 Golden Demon; I was a regional finalist. The second was in 1995, when
I got the Golden Demon for Epic Battlegroup. I'm jumping the gun a bit for
the third; I won the Golden Demon (my 7th) for best Titan last Sunday, so it
won't be in WD until about December, in the UK. You're probably more
familiar with my WH40K Space Wolves - my Wolf Priest won me the Slayer Sword
in 1996.



Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 16:15:46 UTC

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