RE: [Epic] Eldar Army

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 14:16:12 -0700

>With all due respect, I think it comes down to this:
>> of a small number of Hawks should be no major obstacle. I've fought
>> Eldar force with 60 (!) stands of Hawks in it. It wasn't fun and I
>> prevailed for two reasons.
>> 1) Eldar's first game of E40K and was still playing in SpMar style
>> 2) 980pt of Guard Artillery
>If you take this much of anything, something's going to break. While 60
>stands of Swooping Hawks is certainly interesting as a one-time
>experiment, I would hardly call it a balanced army. My bet is that a
>lot of your take on Swooping Hawks comes from this one extraordinary

-----> One cure for this is play WYSIWYG.Especially with
(Look , I have way too many mini's and I don't think I have 60 stands of
any one
troop type other than standard ork boyz and Tac marines...)
Of course, if he's actually mounted and painted 60 stands of them, he's
going to wanna use 'em. Oh well.

Chris Miller
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 21:16:12 UTC

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