Re: [Epic] 'Nids 'Nids 'Nids

From: Jon & Patty <bitn1byte_at_...>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 16:09:24 -0500

Sean A. Upchurch wrote:
> > Keith Laidlaw wrote:
> > >
> > > (3*25)-5 + (15-5) + 15 = 95 cm.
> > > assault spawn 1st infantry 2nd infantry
> > > march assault assault
> Is this calc right? I'd always thought that losing the 5cm to unload
> was just like gaining 5cm for road bonus. i.e. before the multiplier.
> 3*(25-5) + (15-5) + 30 [charge] = 100cm
> About the bugs getting decimated, use mycetic spores like they're going
> out of style. They are the "signature" unit of the Tyranid army. I
> almost always go into battle with 2 or 3 dropped groups. Dropping the
> bugs lets you cover huge distances as well as encircle your foe. And who
> knows, you might get lucky and roll for them all to arrive at the same
> time.
> As far as bugs on the ground go, I've learned to leave the bugs in their
> transport. That Assault Spawn has armor 6 and you still have a 50/50
> chance of getting out if they cap one. To bulk up the numbers you can
> add Lictors. They have an armor of 6 as well so they'll absorb the first
> hits if they are in front of the Spawn.
> Lictor: 30 [infiltrate] + 3*15 [march] = 75 cm
> Assault Sp: 3*25 [march] = 75 cm
> So they don't even slow them down!
> Give that a shot.
> Sean U
> ---------
> Sean A Upchurch |
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory | EPIC /spmar/spmar.html
> sau_at_... | WH40K /wh40k/40k.html +others!
you are correct...all - and + BEFORE multipy....look at pg 14 of rules
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 21:09:24 UTC

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