Re: [Epic] Imperator/cheeze/rant

From: Colen McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:34:39 +0100

Christian Nielsen <raveallnight_at_...> came forth and spoke
thusly about [Epic] Imperator/cheeze/rant:

>Cheeze? You wanna hear cheeze? My friend and I, in a 3500 point E40K
>game, took 3 Warlords, 2 Reavers, and 2 detachments each of roughly 7
>siege arty and 3 Deathstrikes... We lost (againt 'nids).
How? Did he take his entire army in Mycetic Spore dets?
> Just goes
>to show that cheeze don't always win. In fact, from this experience I
>have come to the conclusion that one should take no more than one
>Warlord armed with 2 CC weapons against 'nids, along with plenty of
>cheap infantry, just like you (or I ) would in SM/TL.
>PS: I felt that I should be able to waste a bit of bandwidth every
>now and then.... (oh, and that statement had nothing to do with the
>message I just replied to). I'm just a bit annoyed with people who
>make one line comments at the bottom of messages that are irrellivent
>(spelling?) to the majority of readers (not naming anyone in
>particular... huhum, Sauron1.... woops...), and ending up with 50+
>messages a day in my mailbox when only about half of them are worth
>reading. Perhaps we should have headers like: [Epic] and [Epic-1liner]

Ever been on Sometimes they have 'cascades' which are
basically one-line posts being quoted and replied to on one line, which
are then quoted and replied to on one line, etc...

<emblem of Slaanesh>

'Mad Dog' McAlister And The Cats, 'Jo', 'Fat Smudge' and 'Stac'
    /\          Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
   /--\           Keeper of the Unholy Keys, Lord of the
    ||          Third Realm, Founder of N.A.S.A. (National
    ||   |\        Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F member
 /--  ---- \        and chosen of the Chaos Gods, AKA
 \--  ---- /       Brother Morgan who wields the Blade
    | |  |/   of Immortals, Member of the Twisted Brotherhood
    \-/                 colen_at_...
Received on Mon Oct 06 1997 - 21:34:39 UTC

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