RE: [Epic] Snap Fire

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 09:40:52 -0500

>> But the problem with snap fire is that even Genestealers and
>>Lesser Daemons get it. I mean, there's the long legs Chaos Card, but
>>this is ridiculous.
>Not so ridiculous.
>I mean, the "snap fire" is not only the action of shooting someone
>who tries to approach you but also the action of hiding behind a
>wall, a tree or what you want in order to trap your enemy! You must
>remember that unlike W40k, a fig in Epic 40k doesn't represent
>the exact position of a unit.
>Francois Bruntz

------> I think this comment was made referring to Air units.
(So, now what we need to know is how high can a Genestealer jump?)

Chris Miller
Received on Thu Oct 09 1997 - 14:40:52 UTC

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