Re: [Epic]Assault Troops in the Horus Heresy

From: Thomas Lee Denney <seether_at_...>
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 10:24:18 -0500

I know exactly the pic you are referring to. There is also a marine on a
bike jumping off of a broken highway over-pass, which always gives me a
chuckle. I actually went out and bought some ships from Silent Death a
while back that closely resemble the one in the pic. It also happens to
look like the dropship in Aliens, which was probably the coolest troop
dropship of all times. I loved that scene where they are dropping to the
planet the first time and those missile wings open up! "Where in the pipe,
5x5" whatever that means. I played around for a while with rules that
would allow troops with jump packs to exit dropships without the ship
having to land. I mean come-on, if modern day Marines can drop down a rope
out of a helicopter, why can't bio-engineered, super-human,
killing-machines armed with jump packs, that practically make them fly,
jump out of a moving, albeit slowly, Thunderhawk? I think this will be the
first house rule I write for my "House Rules" section on my web page.

At 02:19 PM 10/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Sauron1 writes; In Codex, SM1 & SM2nd rule books SM Assault jump Pack
>Equipped troops are shown exiting from some sort of an assault lander over
>bloody had to hand battles. I cannot find any rules for justifying this,
>but can we consider launching SM assault troops from a ThunderHawk on a low
>speed pass over the battle field. We could apply drop pod scatter rules to
>get the affect though. Assault ships used to carry 8 SM1 stands and a
>ThunderHawka whole company 6 stands.
> sauron1
Received on Thu Oct 09 1997 - 15:24:18 UTC

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