Re: [Epic] Many apologies and (still) a lot of questions

From: Stephen Sheldon <stephes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 10:16:04 -0700 (PDT)

> Epic 40K is the first Epic version I played and so I went out and bought a
> ton of tyranid stuff and started painting. All of my friends teased me
> because I put so much detail into the small figures, but after a few months

I am going berserk on my orks. I painted a snakebite warboss stand, all
of em have their faces painted like in braveheart, my wierdboy is wearing
a jesters outfit, quarted yellow/red and highlighted.

When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen.
Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, that you become aware of
the real world around you, but you're still dreaming. 
You may think you can fly, but you better not try it
Received on Thu Oct 09 1997 - 17:16:04 UTC

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