Re: [Epic] Dark Angels

From: Oki Purwanto <oki_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 16:48:33 +0800

At 03:44 PM 10/13/97 +1000, you wrote:
>> That one is easy. 2. Transport (2) means that it carries 2 STANDS of
>> infantry. Lictors come 1 per stand. The problems is that termies come 5
>> per stand.
>That wasn't what I was getting at. People seem to be a little riled
>by the fact that a LR can carry two (2) stands of Terminators, or any
>infantry for that matter. Terminators being somewhat bigger than
>regular Marines, it would appear that some people feel that an LR
>should only be able to carry one (1) stand of Terminators.

Maybe because
1) LR is bigger than Rhinos ?
2) GW screwed up ?

For those afficiandos of 40K (I am one of them, BTW) lighten up. In 40k if
your transport is screwed by lascannon, artillery whatever, you are cooked -
no two way about it. Whereas in e40k you still have a 50-50 chance of making
it out. So what gives ?

>What I'm getting at, ultimately, is that E40K is a representative
>(underline that) game. It represents squeezing ten guys dressed up
>like gridiron players into a moving metal box. It represnts
>attaching two oversized praying mantis's onto an armored slug. It's
>also NOT WH40K.

Amen to that !

Woof ! Woof ! Full agreement there :)

Received on Tue Oct 14 1997 - 08:48:33 UTC

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