RE: [Epic] Ork Captured Vehicles

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 15:03:04 +0930

We've had this discussion before and after thinking about it a bit more and
talking to Alun I am not happy with Orks taking vehicles from other races.
After all, if you wan't land raiders then you should be playing Marines. If
orks captured some Land Raiders then they would no longer have many of the
marine features (such as AT) after all, the orks like big shooty guns, loud
noises etc. To me, an ork converted land raider would probably be ...

Ork Land Raider.
Move: 25 (to represent tinkering with the engine)
Range: 30 (maybe 45)
Firepower: 2 (Lascannons would be too subtle for orks)
Assault: 1
Armour: 5 (Maybe 6)
Notes: Transport (2)
Points: Dunno, run it through the points formula which was floating around.

There is very little chance that vehicles captured would be in good
condition and they would be modified to make them 'better" (read, orky).

If you wanted to keep the original features (maybe a Mekboy admires
imperial technology) then you would have to have some sort of breakdown
roll (like Harlequin vehicles for 40K) to represent Ork repairs.

Any thoughts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Mosqueira [SMTP:effigy_at_...]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 1997 2:04 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] Ork Captured Vehicles

> Does anyone have suggestions for some rules to cover Orks using capture
vehicles. Chris Pinson and I have disscussed it briefly. It seems generally
accepted in all the fluff that it is a common practice amongst orks and the
photos of GW staffs own Ork armies in WD 212 seem to support this.
> In particular I want to Orkify a couple of Land Raiders ( I hate Land
Raiders, but if you cann't beat'm join'm :) )
> We have considered things like reducing/increasing range/speed, lossing 1
A/T gun but gaining 1 FP for a orc weapon fitted in its place. Breakdowns,
increased points costs, whatever ...
> Any Suggestions.
> Thanks
> Alun

        My take is that a captured vehicle is a battle wagon by another name...

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Received on Fri Oct 17 1997 - 05:33:04 UTC

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