Re: [Epic] Questions..Questions...

From: Francois Bruntz <fbruntz_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:51:21 PDT

Alex a �crit :
>Im a newbie player and have a few questions...answer at your
>1. What are some good rules for 3 player games. What ways have you
>in choosing intiative and stuff..

You can play 2 vs 1 battles : for example 2000 points of Chaos
against 1000 points of Eldars and 1000 points of IG. You consider
that Eldars and the IG have the same strategy value ( (5+3)/2 = 4)
but have different Moral Value (ie if the IG moral value = 0 all the
IG units must withdraw), each army keeps its own special rules. There
is only one problem with special Ork rules about initiative, you can
find some information on my page (house rules section - Alliances) as
I don't have enough courage to translate into English all this
"complex" stuff. :)
But you can also play special scenarios for 3 armies : check the
Arden Battle By Eugene E.W. on my page (scenario ideas section) where
you can find a special battle for 3 players (Imperium vs Orks vs

>2. Could you reccomend some good detachments? (All armies)

Wow, this is what I call a good question.
Some ideas "en vrac" :
        - most of your detachment should be composed of 200 to 300
army points : this is big enough to be a threaten for your opponent
and small enough to be hidden behind covers...
        - I specialize all my detachments as it's very difficult to
create a good polyvalent detachment : so I like to use an assault
detachment (lots of Assault Marines + Vindicators + Librarian)
supported by a Devastator detachment and an light armoured detachment
(Attack Bikes + Land Speeders), etc... Once again check on my site
the Imperial Detachments page.

>3. My friend thinks the epic40k minatures are overpriced. Is there
>reason for this i could tell him or are they just expensive? Are
>cheaper in the UK?

They are expensive but they are very nice too. I can't tell you about
UK prices but in France they are very very expensive! For example : 5
attack bikes for 60 French Francs (around $12).

>Well thanks in advance for any answers i get :)

De rien.

Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)

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