Re: [Epic] Deadly Eldar>Chaos!

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:04:07 -0400

Miller, Chris wrote:
> >>>Incidentally, Chaos can make an (in some ways) nastier assault detachment
> >>>out of Bloodthirsters and Lords of Change...
> >>>... In the last game I played, the two detachments of Bloodthirsters/LOC,
> >>each 7 strong...
> -----> Hey, as nasty as it might seem, the fact that they have no ranged
> firepower ought to cut down on their effectiveness somewhat.

        Yeah, you could say that...

> If
> someone really wants to take a bunch of B-thirsters (or whatever), fine
> - are they really going to get their points worth out of them ? I doubt
> it. Has anyone tried this? How'd it work?

        I'd say you do get your points' worth, for the most part.
But you don't get any more... point 1: Firefights. If you lose
initiative in the assault phase, and there are enemy bike formations
about, you've got problems... point 2: AT shots (or massed fp).
Because of the detachment's small size, every loss costs the det. a
large chunk of it's effectiveness. point 3: no FP. This hurts a
lot when assaulting defensive layers of detachments (win the close
combat, lose the ensuing firefight). Since the det. is so fast,
chances are it's going to have to assault the fodder thrown out in
front of the good stuff.

        I used a detachment of 5 Bloodthirsters in my 5000 pt battle
against Erik Rutins a few months back. It did OK, I think they're
almost worth having for the shock value ("50 assault?!? And how
fast!?!"). Initially the 'thirsters were set up across from some
massed eldar formations that Erik *refused* to move towards my
daemon horde, =( so I rerouted them over to the middle of the table
where Erik only had a SM armor detachment mixed in with an IG armor
detachment and a Warlord titan (opposing my Warlord, Reaver, and
cultist support platforms). The 'thirsters pounced on the last of
the SM tanks, killed everything they got their hands on, and then
got broken in the firefight with the leman russes. They fell back
and the game ended. I game away from that game with a real
appreciation for how much daemons (both kinds) *suck* when
assaulting defensive positions by their lonesome (not just because
of my experience with the 'thirsters, I also had other daemon
detachments in that game).

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_...        shupes@...
"Ia! Ia! Cthulgu fhtagn!"
Received on Fri Oct 24 1997 - 14:04:07 UTC

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