Re: [Epic] [Almost-Epic] Codices

From: <HornedRat_at_...>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 15:29:46 -0500 (EST)

<< Do you know how much these will have undead theme (they'd have lots
 of skulls, but so does everybody else) and how much robotic? I've
 been thinking of the Terminator movie, especially the future scenes.
 I think a line of these could look neat, but I don't think I'd be as
 interested in the fantasy-army-in-the-future look that Chaos vehicles
 have. >>

From what I've heard they're gonna be called Necrons, and I'm really hoping
they'll not be completely new, maybe based of the old Chaos Androids or
something (daemons inhabiting metal bodies). Maybe they'll be more like
Borg, from Star Trek. Human (or former human....undead) with bionic parts
and enhancments. I'm kinda skeptical about this new race. I really don't
think the 41st millenium needs any new races, although if they're tied in
with Chaos, it might work. I was also noticing, last night, that the old
Squats were really protrayed as part of the Imperium. They're really the
only race in the 41st millenium that you'd commonly find allied with Imperial
forces (IG at least), so maybe that's why GW is putting of releasing them so
long. The either don't want them to be part of the Imperium, or they do, but
can't justify releasing something that us billions of marine players can't
play against (and still have a battle that makes sense). Just some thoughts.
 Lauda Imperator!!!!!!!

Received on Thu Oct 30 1997 - 20:29:46 UTC

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