Don't reply to the list. Anyways, someone was asking for color
schemes for Eldar. They can be found in Renegades (the old Eldar
supplement for SM/TL, Lot #54), though the Battles Book had them too,
I thought. If I didn't already own a copy, I'd probably be bidding on
it too. Go to if you want to dig up the
entire post, as I snipped most of it.
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From: Chris Secrest <fscws_at_...>
Subject: auction (long)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:35:02 -0900
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Here's the latest update
Here's an auction of my miniatures that I've collected over the years:
Notice: There have been some questions as to lots #1, #53, and #77
#77, (GM) is the complete game and comes with the boyz listed which
are the metal ones
#53, (epic) is the complete game, I also threw in the extra minis
(I thought the armies provided didn't add quite
enough flavor from the get-go)
#1, (Necro) is the rules and terrain from both the main game and
the expansion, no minis or range rulers. sorry
Hope this clears it up.
1. Standard Omnipotent Being clause
2. Winner pays shipping
3. Bids to be in $1 increments
4. Format is going, going, gone
5. Once an item has been won, I will notify the winner and expect a
response within a couple of days, otherwise the
item will become active with the last highest bid.
6. Payment to be un US$ Money order or personal check. I will wait to
send shipment until check clears.
7. When placing a bid put in the subject line something or another like
If you have any questions on any of the below lots please e-mail me ask!
email fscws_at_... to place your bid or ask any questions. Thanks, and
good luck!
Epic / Space Marine
Lot #53 - Epic system, few extra ork war buggies, boys, 5 pulsa rokkits,
4 SM dreadnaughts thrown in, Rulebooks
have been bound and covered.
* $25 gt9193a_at_...
$21 shade_at_...
$20 Vroomfndle_at_...
Lot #54 - Renegades box set, from Space Marine
* $3 shade_at_...
$3 finkel_at_...
$2 myles_at_...
Lot#55-10 plastic knights, from Space Marine
* $3 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 phillip_at_...
$2 myles_at_...
Lot #56 - epic Baneblade old style, from Space Marine
* $2 myles_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #57 - epic Baneblade new
* $3 gt9193a_at_... - - - - - Going
$1 finkel_at_...
$1 zack16_at_...
Lot #58 - epic Baneblade new, in blister
* $2 blaze_at_...
$2 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
Lot #59 - 1 volcanoe type Imperial superheavy tank, from Space Marine
* $2 blaze_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #60 - Stormhammer (?) superheavy Imperial tank, from Space Marine
* $3 phillip_at_...
$2 blaze_at_...
$2 SOLOMONC_at_...
Lot #61 - Stormhammer (?) superheavy Imperial tank, from Space Marine
* $2 blaze_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #62 - Warlord Titan - new
* $10 gt9193a_at_...
$7 Vroomfndle_at_...
$6 MJMurtha_at_...
Lot #63 - 3 old style Basilisks, from Space Marine
* $3 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #64 - Great Gargant - new style
* $9 shade_at_...
$8 TBeyer4562_at_...
Lot #65 - 3 old style whirlwinds, from Space Marine
* $3 gt9193a_at_... - - - - - Going
$1 finkel_at_...
$1 halebsky_at_...
Lot #66 - 3 old style deathstrikes, from Space Marine
* $2 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #67 - 3 maruader bombers, from Space Marine
* $2 shade_at_...
$2 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
Lot #68 - 3 Thunderbolt fighters, from Space Marine
* $3 RockGoblin_at_... - - - - - - Going
$1 chaos_at_...
$1 palladin_at_...
Lot #69 - 4 Leman Russ battletanks
* $4 dpeacock_at_...
$4 shade_at_...
$3 gt9193a_at_...
Lot #70 - Slasha Gargant, from Space Marine
* $4 shade_at_...
$3 csc5sdc_at_...
$3 SOLOMONC_at_...
Lot #71 - Mekboy gargant, from Space Marine
* $4 shade_at_...
$3 csc5sdc_at_...
$3 SOLOMONC_at_...
Lot #72 - 2 Warhound titans, painted (B), from Space Marine
* $6 gt9193a_at_...
$5 scottstre_at_...
$5 MJMurtha_at_...
Lot #73 - Imperia Reaver titan, painted (B) except carapace weapon, from
Space Marine
* $6 gt9193a_at_...
$5 scottstre_at_...
$4 csc5sdc_at_...
Lot #74 - Mega Gargant (plastic) assembled, from Space Marine
* $3 SOLOMONC_at_...
$2 MJMurtha_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
Lot #75 - Mega Gargant (plastic), unassembled, from Space Marine
* $3 gt9193a_at_... - - - - - Going
$1 finkel_at_...
$1 halebsky_at_...
Lot #76 - 2 old SM predator tanks
* $4 dpeacock_at_...
$3 gt9193a_at_...
$1 finkel_at_...
White Dwarf Magazines
All White Dwarf Magazines are in good to excellent condition. Some have
the items punched out, most don't. I can
check on specific magazines if you want. These will just show the
current high bid in bold off to the left of the issue
#117 $3 nbrady_at_...
#125 $3 nbrady_at_...
#126 $3 nbrady_at_...
#127 $3 nbrady_at_...
#128 $3 nbrady_at_...
#129 $3 nbrady_at_...
#130 $3 nbrady_at_...
#135 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#137 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#139 $3 nbrady_at_...
#143 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#148 $1 palladin_at_... - - - - Going
#150 $1 randomdem_at_...
#153 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#154 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#155 $1 palladin_at_... - - - - Going
#156 $3 nbrady_at_...
#157 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#158 $3 nbrady_at_...
#159 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#160 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#161 $1 randomdem_at_...
#162 $1 randomdem_at_...
#163 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#165 $2 nbrady_at_...
#166 $2 nbrady_at_...
#168 $2 nbrady_at_...
#169 $3 nbrady_at_...
#170 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#171 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#172 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#173 $2 Randy.Stewart_at_...
#174 $1 randomdem_at_...
#178 $1 randomdem_at_...
#181 $2 nbrady_at_...
#196 $2 kiuia_at_... - - - Going
#197 $2 kiuia_at_... - - - - Going
#199 $2 kiuia_at_... - - - - Going
#200 $4 duncan_at_... - - - - Going
#201 $1 randomdem_at_...
#202 $1 randomdem_at_...
#204 $1 randomdem_at_...
#205 $1 bearkin_at_... - - - - Going
#208 $1 randomdem_at_...
#209 $1 chaos_at_... - - - - Going
#210 $1 chaos_at_... - - - - Going
#211 $2 Tomah_at_...
#212 $2 Tomah_at_...
#213 $2 Tomah_at_...
Received on Tue Nov 04 1997 - 17:27:36 UTC