Re: [Epic] Squat 40K List

From: J. Michael Looney <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 16:34:42 -0600

Alun Gallie wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Further to my post yesterday regarding the differences between SM and
> Squat support weapon stats. I have just visited J Michael Looney's
> excellent Epic 41K site. ( Well done Mike ). However one thing puzzles
> me.

Well, I have not tweaked the Squats yet. The "Generic" support weapons
will be replaced with the same ones as the Tech Guard, SM & IG have.

> And yet these are all referring to the same weapons ( + Rapier ). I
> personally like the tech gaurd variation and would like to include
> these in my Squat lists as it gives an army with very limited figure
> options a bit more choice. Do you mind Mike ?

Not at all. The Squat pages are badly in need of a cosmetic "make over"
and to be brought up to "full" Epic 41K status. I will add that to my
to-do list with a "soon" flag.

> Does anyone have suggested stats for the Rapier.
Rapier 10 cm 15 cm 3 1 5+ Close Support <Alan Brain's
version, used in E41K on the SM Infantry page>

> Any comments regarding these inconsistencies ( I realise the Squat Lists
> where transcibbed from the Journal )

I have a real job and something that passes for a life beyond Epic :-)

Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed.  P. Opus
Geek code: GAT d-- s:-- a C+++ UL++ P+ L++ !E- W+++ N++ o K++ w+++ !o
!M-- !V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t++ 5+ X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI++++ D G++ e+
r+++ y+++(**)
Received on Sun Nov 09 1997 - 22:34:42 UTC

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