> It took me a while to figure it out, especially the deal with
> the Falcons. I discovered that I don't really like the old Falcons,
> after proclaiming that I preferred them to the new ones for a while.
> Instead, I was just more familiar with the old ones. Now, I'm not
> fond of either, but I'd rather have a mini that I'm ambivalent about
> that came 12 to a box set with 120 guardians for $15 or less than a
> mini I'm also ambivalent about that costs $8 for 4, or the command
> Falcon that comes in the $15? command blister.
My God!
You pay $15 for a command blister??? (is this a joke? or are
you in Australia? :)
I thought it was expensive here in Denmark...
I payed approx. $9 ($US) for the commanders,
and I know that in the UK, homeland of GW,
it costs approx. $7,50.....
Word of advice to all Americans:
Shop smart, shop Internet!
On the net you can by minis at a discount.
Example: Falcon blister: Retail price:$8.99, you get it for only $6,74!
P&P = $5 total in most of US. Overseas pay $10 + P&P!!
(The $8,99 makes more sence than the 15$)
All you need is a Visa- or Mastercard (or you'r dad's... ;)
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Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 12:49:59 UTC