Sv: [Epic] Howling Banshee Exarchs

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 23:29:37 +0100

 Cyril Crocker wrote:

> I want to customize my howling banshee exarchs by removing the wings and
adding the "hair".
> What can I use to add the "hair" in Epic scale?

As it is, I happend to do this conversion just last night.
I removed the Exarch's head and replaced it with the head of
a Banshee. Looks cool. The headless Benshee body I gave
a new head from a Dire Avenger, making an Avenger Exarch.
Looks dead cool! I will now try something simmilar
with the other types of Adspect Wariors.

Jon "The Psyker" Nielsen

This is Lameth, The Dark Messiah, signing off
Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 22:29:37 UTC

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