Sv: Sv: Sv: [Epic] Eldar Things :)

From: Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 22:24:03 +0100

Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister wrote:

> Jon Nielsen <jon_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:
> >> Actually, I've worked out a legal (I think; I'm working off a copy of
> >> the army list whcih I believe has several innacuracies in it, as I
> >> copied it) combination, which is based on the Harlequin detachment.
> >> the Detachment of Big-Ass Jetbikes. Basically, Harlequins upgraded to
> >> Death Jester on a Jetbike- 125 points per detachment, for 15 FP. Can
> >> someone check that this is legal (that the Death Jester and Jetbike
> >> upgrades are not mutually exclusive)? Also, can someone check that you
> >> are allowed Exarches in a Guardian unit? My copy says no, but I seem
> >> remember it being allowed. TIA.
> >The things you propose are not legan according to the armies book.
> Which particular things? All of them? --MDMc

I'ts not legal to take both the Jetbike and the Death Jester upgrade. :(
You can't have Exarchs in Guardian units either, they're A.W. only. :((

Now for something different! :)
I played the again yesterday with my Eldar against the twice accursed
Marines (curse them all again). 2500 points a side. First game was
Fog of War. I drew a 8, he drew a 5. I sent his forces on the run right
start on. Before the game ended I had killed 20 bikes and Assault troops,
him only dammageing one of my flyers!!! How I did it? By using FP and
I gave his units so many BM that they could'nt assault. I then cleaned up
my Jetbikes.

Next game: Ambush. His Marines were marching and I was ambushing.
He won this game, but the game was much more even this time, compared to
the game two weeks ago when his cheesy army oblitterated mine. This time he

was'nt so cheesy (still a lot of tanks though). I played well, using
tactics I have
learnt over the past weeks (thanks Colen :). Using two det. of Jetbikes
with Vypers
(one was the Supreme Com.) and a det. of Striking Scorpions with support,
I surroundet a det. of biker and speeders and a det. of scouts. After
them i CC, they could'nt escape and were wiped out compleatly, 'cept for a
single bike unit! That was awesome! He payed ten morale points for that.

Unfortunetly, he did something similar, sorrounding a small det. of Reapers
and Sup. Platforms with his other bikes. I had two Night Spinners outside
building my troops were in, which meant an Assault instead of a FF.
I lost the CC, and my troops ran out of the building to die... The rules
are not so good... they were fine in that building, why go outside? Do
know if troops in buildings like in this example get any advantages over
assaulting troops? (I'ts silly that bikes can drive troops out of

Another thing. Hi L.R.'s were'nt so effective this time. On their first
on the board, they did kill six of my tanks and dammaged a Revanant
(there were 10 LR's), but then it stopped. I pounded them with what vas
giving him 6 BM. I then assaulted with my Revanants, breaking the det. Next
turn, they were still running!

Note: If your opponent dos'nt have W.E., then Cobras are a great waste
of points. Scorpions on the other hand, are great against LR's. I can also
recommend including a Wave Serpent or two in all det., 'cept for bikes.

Jon "The Psyker" Nielsen

This is Lameth, The Dark Messiah, signing off
Received on Tue Nov 11 1997 - 21:24:03 UTC

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