Re: [Epic] Epic40K boxed armies?

From: Asmodean <jcm05_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 19:59:24 +1100

I heard Kodai scream:
> Hi all. When I called GW about two months ago to ask some questions I
> brought up the boxed sets I had heard about and they said they were waiting on
> some new lead scenery or something like that. I think he meant the objectives
> but he said the price would be between $69-$70 american. I also heard they
> were going to be 2500 point sets, does anybody know if this is true? It
> doesn't seem so. L8ER ^_^
From memory the (australian) space marine boxed set contains:
1 command land raiders(2 metal land raiders)
1 predator blister (3 of them)
1 space marine tanks box(2 lrs, 2 whirlwinds and 4 rhinos)
1 space marine dreadnought blister (4 dreads)
1 land speeder blister (again 4 of them)
1 vidicator blister (3 tanks)
1 attack bike blister (4 bikes)
1 space marine battle group (standard space marine troop sprue, could be
two of them though)

and the 'new' objective thingies
the ork boxed set contains a gargant and about 5 blisters + 2
battlefortresses. as well as a battlewagon boxed set(6 plastic) and the
objective thingies.

dont know how many points are in either and i dont care much as $150 is
just a little bit over my budget.

     The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why?
    The end of crossing the road justifies whatever motive there was.
Received on Tue Nov 18 1997 - 08:59:24 UTC

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