Re: [Epic] firefight question/mailorder advise /apology all wrapped up in one.

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 1997 15:13:10 +0000

"L. Brian Hayes" <riverman_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:

> Third, I was able to play a game yesterday and a situation came up and I
>was wondering how it should have been handled. I had a detachment of
>knights and my partner had a detachment of Eldar jet bikes and Vypers. The
>two detachments were separately assaulted by a detachment of two of the
>smaller tyranid bio-titans. The titans wasn't on any special orders, they
>just did a regular move during their assault phase move. The one titan was
>able to get into base to base with a Eldar jetbike. Here is where we got
>alittle confused. A: The second titan was less than 15 cm from my knight
>detachment so that meant a firefight needed to be resolved( which was
>understandable). Which should have been the order? I may need to add that
>my side did have initiative. Should the firefight took place or should the
>close combat been first or is it up to who won init?

First do the combat. Let's draw a crap diagram:

B1: BioTitan 1, B2: BioTitan 2, E: Eldar, K: Knights.

              B1E B2

In this case, the close combat between B1 and the E should be resolved
first (adding 1/2 of B2's current damage capacity if it's within 15cm),
then any Firefights.

Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), Editor of the Chaos Wastes
  Occasionally, a NetCampaign Newspaper, and an R'n'F Member.
         You can find me at:          | "At any time, at | any place, our snipers
      colen_at_...      | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_...  | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Sun Nov 23 1997 - 15:13:10 UTC

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