Re: [Epic] Correct Infantry Comparsions

From: Sean Smith <seans_at_...>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 09:10:01 +1300

On Tue 02 Dec, Dirk Vormann wrote:
> > Dark Reapers 0.05 0.10 4+ 15cm 15cm 1.33
> Should it read 0.10 for FP value?

Yes the 0.10 for FP is correct.

> However: IG infantry:
> So we have a proof that IG infantry with Tanks is priced correctly.
> Does this mean you have to use a lot of tanks in infantry detachments?

If you want to have good assault and fire fight values, then yes you
will need tanks or Ogryns. However tanks and Ogryns have a short range,
so will you have a high firepower at 15cm, but much less firepower beyond

> If you do not (and choose Sentinels/Ratlings/Support Weapons) you loose
> in this ratings. So we still have the task of producing an infantry
> detachment with limited Tank support and cheaper 2nd and 3rd command
> squad.

If you take ratling instead of tanks or ogryns you trade off assault value
for inflitrate. If you take sentinels instead of tanks or ogryns you trade
off assault value for speed. In both cases you have to decide whether the
trade offs are worth it. With support weapons you gain additional firepower.

I can't answer you last question about cheaper command squads, because I
don't understand, could you re phase it please.

 Sean Smith 
 Home - Seans_at_...
Received on Tue Dec 02 1997 - 20:10:01 UTC

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