Re: [Epic] New to list . . . want some opinions.

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 12:42:13 +0000

Thane Morgan <thane_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:

>1) Close Combat and firefights -We've seen way too many instances of
>where a detat of 20 assault stands has attacked a detat of 8 -10
>tactical stands, and the tactical stands have won.
Luck. If it bothers you, roll 2D6 and pick the best for both sides.
>2) We've seen 5 stands of orks boyz run up to a 30 strong detat of
>marines for a firefight at extreme range with a couple of troops,
>putting the whole detat to flight, and thus preventing stands, who were
>nowhere near the firefight but were stuck in the same detat, from making
>ork patte.
Serves them right for being out on a limb. It's not just things within
15cm that can fight, IIRC, it's things in range.
>3)We've seen many games come down to who pulled the initiative chit for
>the assault phase; the guy who won initiative crushed the guy who
>didn't, even when the forces seemed equal.
Ganging up? Yeah. Still, if it happens too much, say that you move 1 by
1, or something.
>4) Antitank weapons - seem absurdly powerfull. I have yet to see anyone
>stand up to my landraider Detats; they usually kill 2-3 times their
>point value. Frankly, I don't enjoy doing it.
LR's are very powerful. If you don't enjoy it, only take them as
support, in 1's and 2's.
>5) Imposible to defend against flyers; We've found that keeping one
>artillery detat on your edge of the board allows you to bring on flyers
>over top of them so that any interceptors take absurd amounts of snap
Intercepts are worked out before you put fliers on the board.
>6) On the matter of snap shots, we've seen two stands of troops prevent
>the movement of a twelve land raider detat (pinned up against cliffs);
>he tried to move 5 of them, losing 4, then gave up. Doesn't this seem a
>little un-fun and ridiculous? Shouldn't their be a limit on the number
>of snap shots a detat can pull?
Not really. Put the LR's on Assault, kill the 2 stands in the shooting
phase, move in the assault phase.
>7) We've also seen titans unable to move because of three leftover
>stands from a previous close combat/ firefight sequence.
Really? We play that they just kick them aside.

Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F Member, Lord of, a mailing list for all evil players.
         You can find me at:          | "At any time, at | any place, our snipers
      colen_at_...      | can drop you. Have a
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Received on Fri Dec 05 1997 - 12:42:13 UTC

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