[Epic] Lets get back on Topic

From: Alun Gallie <gallie_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 09:37:54 +0930

Come on Guys,
Lets get this list back on topic, which is Epic, not 40K and not a rumour
mill of what the next race is or isn't going to be. Of the last 20 messages
I down loaded 8 where about
Skaven/Slann/Assasians/Mercenaries/Necrons/Whatever in 40K.
Over a third of my mail. And frankly until these races appear on the shelves
in EPIC scale I don't care.
We have a good source of info in Neil who gets his information straight from
the design studio and backs his statements up with references and yet people
still persist in posting unsubstansiated rumours. If you are going to post
something re:future realises back it up with a source. Please.
Surely 40K has their own mailing list anyway ?
Anyway I just wanted to say I was getting sick of reading about 40K instead
of Epic. At least Tag your subject lines [Off Topic]
A little info is fine but this is not a 40K list.
If anyone agrees with this please back this up, and if you disagree feel
free to tell me to pull my head in.
BTW Before I get accused of flaming anyone, this is not directed at any
particular individual. It is just a general statement.

Received on Mon Dec 08 1997 - 00:07:54 UTC

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