[Epic] Epic: Re: Eldar Army

From: Steve Kosciw <sargon_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:54:26 -0500

Oh yea guardians do have two good points I forgot to mention: cheap! and
they can when used in a big detachment w/ support weapons be a nice soak to
suck up incoming firepower so the support platforms can survive longer..
Also the firefight idea is good but... my opponents doesn't use much
tanks...so I have yet to experiance the horrors ...

2 Revenant Scout Titans makes an evil little unit except firing last
(during the titan shooty phase) means they can sometimes be killled w/o
ever getting a shot off. Now holofield do rule but if yer an unlucky sort
they can really fail to work..

I've always had problems with dreadnaughts when I play Marines because they
are just TOO SLOW...but eldar (damn them) have decently fast versions...I
think they could be cool. (But my opponent never uses them either

Hehe I never clam down when dere's still pointy earz and hummies ta kill!

Received on Sun Dec 14 1997 - 03:54:26 UTC

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