Vladimyr <morbid_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:
>1. The Land Raider Anti Tank Shots. Do they count as:
> eight 1 point super heavy shots (giving 1 blast marker per hit)
> or one 8 point super heavy barrage (giving 1 blast marker)
None of the above. They count as 8 super-heavy weapons, giving 1
blast marker.
>2. The way I read the rules my gargant always fired last because it was a
>war engine. True or False?
It fires after infantry, and can fire before or after other war engines.
>3. Being used to normal epic, I'm a little confused by the definition of hit.
> Does it mean - Gaze of Gork hits on a 2+. Does it cause a wound on a 2+?
> Or do I have to roll the armour save after? The way I read it hit means
> damaging hit. Am I right?
Let me guess, you used to play 40K? The 'to hit', 'to wound' and 'armour
save' rolls are combined into the 'armour value' of a unit. Land
raiders, for example, have an AV of 6, meaning that when you shoot, you
need a 6 to kill them. The Death Ray always hits (i.e., always kills) on
a 2+.
>4. Also, with the gargant (or any other thing with multiple shots), do you
>have to declare all your shots before shooting, or do you go through them?
>Or do they have to shoot at the same detachment?
All shots must be declared before you shoot.
>Well, the game was interesting, but the fact that everything needed a 6 to
>hit the gargant (except the Land Raiders) meant that the gargant still had
>one shield left at the end of the game (and all marines were dead). I made
>sure the Land Raiders were taken out first (they took out most of the
>shields) and then the others barely made a dent. Which seems just a little
>hard to believe. Has anyone else played this scenario? How did it go?
Why 6? Gargants have an AV of 5. This could be why it was so easy...
Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F Member, Lord of
evil.net, a mailing list for all evil players.
You can find me at: | "At any time, at
http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen | any place, our snipers
colen_at_... | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_... | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Sun Dec 14 1997 - 14:38:12 UTC