[Epic] Question Arising

From: Alun Gallie <gallie_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:07:35 +0930

Only one real question arising from previos battle report. A Collossus
(using the rules in CJ21 ?) has a
Rocket Launcers Front 90cm Hvy Barrage Artillery
This also applies for the Cyclops and one of the landtrain battlewagons
(Mortor Car) . These are the only WE's I can find with artillery. Can they
make prepbombs? I say yes. As I type I have just found another ref. in the
CJ article by Gav Thorpe about alternative titan weapons. In Carapace
Landing pad it states " ... The titan can fire any Mega Cannon, Vortex
Missles or Multiple Rocket Launcer with the artillery special ability" then
it further states "If this ability is used to make a preparatory
bombbardment the titan does not go onto over watch but may not move in the
movement phase but then may move as normal in the assualt phase." So now I
have answered my own question I'll post this for comment anyway.
Received on Mon Dec 15 1997 - 23:37:35 UTC

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