[Epic] Re: E40K's level of abstraction

From: Larry Irish <wirish1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 19:32:55 -0500

><< To cut the story short, he got pretty worked up over the whole matter. Me
> thinks this is because E40K sales has been very disappointing. And the
> feedback that these GW guys get is that E40K is too simple as compared to
> Epic. Mayhaps someone could compile the mails that just went on a few days
> ago on the list :) >>
>I think the big problem E40k is having, is that there really is no target
>audience for it. It's a game that allows nothing but tactics.
>The old Epic was much more of a 40k with
>smaller miniatures game. E40k's rules match the scale of the miniatures. You
>have to look at the whole picture to play the game, not just individual units
>(like you would in 40k). A company of Space Marines firing at a detatchment
>of Aspect Warriors (doesn't matter what kind) in SM/TL would result in the
>destruction of the Eldar (hehehe), and you'd get the same result in E40k, just
>a lot faster. And it doesn't matter how the Aspect Warriors would kill, maim,
>or burn the Marines once they got close, it just matters that they would.
>But, this is a hard concept for young 40k players, or old SM/TL vets to
>understand. They want this model to shoot at that one, etc, etc...

Well stated! I know just what you mean - it took awhile for me to get
comfortable with the level of abstraction that the new E40K has - like you
said, the 1st edition rules still had "...this lascannon shoots _that_
tank, this missle launcher shoots _those_ infantry", etc etc. I think that
the new rules speed up the process quite well...

...speaking from my _vast_ experience of one whole game! :) Paint, paint,
paint... <sigh>

Received on Thu Jan 01 1998 - 00:32:55 UTC

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