I had no idea that Jay Leno's chin had such magical powers. wrote:
> Hello:
> I've been trying to paint the armor units for my Eldar army. I an
> choosen the Ulthwe craft world because A.) They got a cool history and
> B.) The color scheme is simple. After following every and all
> suggestions I could find I set to work painting my Falcons and Wave
> Serpents. They look like crap. I don't know what the problem is but
> no matter how hard I try I just can't get enough detail out of the
> minis. In the end they just look terrible. Does anyone have any
> suggestions for painting these things?
> --
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
> "Are my eyes really brown?"
> --Rick
> "Casablanca"
> E-MAIL: cthulhu_at_... WWW: http://www.uwm.edu/~cthulhu
> ========================================================================
1 prime the figs white
2 thin the base coat out with water(i like water based paints) it will
settle into the crevices nicely. you may need a few coats if you thin
too much. whatever else you might think GW paints are pretty good.
3 do any other detailing, secondary colors, what have you.
4 go over the whole thing with Windsor & Newton "Nut Brown" ink this
stuff is incredable.
Received on Sat Jan 03 1998 - 23:49:14 UTC