RE: [Epic] Epic: Campaign Scenarios

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 15:50:34 +1030


I like these ideas (as well as Sauron's) but they are little too grand for
what I wanted. Remember I am after ideas for mini battles between the major
engagements. These little battles would have a minor effect on the next
major battle but little effect on the overall campaign.

Al and I came up with the idea to allow a bit more flavour without re
writing the campaign. Indeed, my idea is to come up with a table on which
you can roll to determine the minor action. This way, they can be slotted
into any linear or tree campaign.


(I am thinking of writing a new tree campaign so don't let that deter
anyone from posting the grand ideas)

To my mind the way to go is you give each objective both a good fluff
reason to take it AND a useful advantage given...

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Received on Tue Jan 06 1998 - 05:20:34 UTC

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