Re: [Epic] Warlock Titan weapons

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 11:27:37 -0500 (EST)

>>> 6cm coherency doesn't guarantee that at all. Players who
>>>are willing to take the extra time and have the space to do it can
>>>space models exactly 6cm apart, guaranteeing that you'll be able to
>>>cover exactly one. Of course the Pulsar has a 100cm range, while
>>>the powerfist only goes 25cm...
>> I don't follow. If they are exactly 6cm apart, you'll be able to
>>cover exactly half of each of the models.
> If you look at the diagrams in the rules (I think the example
>uses two land raiders), the 6cm is measured from edge to edge, ie you
>could fit a barrage template exactly inbetween two models from the
>same unit if they were at the maximum coherency.

As a matter of fact, you can use a 6cm wide barrage template to quickly
space your troops out to guarentee only 1 can be hit a barrage (in

I never liked the barrage template concept in epic because of this very
reason. The end result is that barrages end up falling on high-cost
armored targets (titans, SHVs, flyers) rather than exposed infantry,
more or less opposite the desired role of artillery (though modern
artillery can kill tanks very effectively). The basic effect on the
game is that artillery becomes long-range snipers, firing at units
that could not otherwise be targeted because of range and/or LOS.

That said, I wouldn't really argue for changing anything. The
templates are a very integral part of the game and it would be hard
to change them without fundamentally altering the mechanics of the
game. But if I were designing a game from scratch, I wouldn't use
this kind of system.

I always thought a better way of handling artillery would be to
abstract it. Frex, a player would declare that he is firing a barrage
at a specific unit (like a tactical detatchment). He would then roll
on a table determined by the number of BPs and inflict a certain
number of hits. The defender would select casualties and roll any
armor saves. This would take away the temptation to space the units
(since it would not matter) and make the game quicker and (IMO) more
asthetically pleasing.

Received on Wed Feb 12 1997 - 16:27:37 UTC

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