Re: [Epic] Help needed painting Tyranid Army

From: Los <los_at_...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 10:34:45 -0800

I have a pretty large Tyrannid force myself. Here's what I did,
especially given the light of having to paint huge numbers.

For the Infantry spures, I sprayed everything with Flat black primer.
Then holding the sprues at arms length, I went back and sprayed them
with Blood Angels red. What this does is put a neat highlight over the
figures but leaves the black in teh recesses. It really brings them to

Then, using the codex for a guide, I went black and painted their heads
either RED or flat purple depending on the creature. Chitnous armer I
painted a Dun color.. For claws and hooves etc I had an off white called
Linen that looks like bone. varios creatures got addintional dabs of
purple or red on varios features depending on teh codex. Weapons I
painted Green, Gargoyles had purple wings. I then use a flesh wash over
the thing to give them a weathered look.

It sounds like a lot of work but it really isn't especially if you
prepare the sprues ahead of time by cutiing away plastic and leaving the
creatures only atatched at one point. In this manner I painted 8 boxes
of tyrannids, plus dozens of individual figures in about two weeks.
Biotitans and larger creatures got more individualized attention. I have
pictures if you need them.


John wrote:

> I'm in big need of help painting my tyranid army. I need to know what
> color primer would be best to use for this particular army and what
> other colors will i be needing. If any body knows of any other
> helpfull advice or tips for painting this army i would appreciate it.
Received on Fri Jan 09 1998 - 18:34:45 UTC

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