> On January 19, 1998 4:51 AM, Mark Humphries (EUKFINC1PO)
> [SMTP:mhumphri_at_...] wrote:
> > When reading through a recent WD , I found that if you put infiltrators
> into
> > drop pods you are then allowed to use thier Infiltrate ability to get an
> > extra move once they are placed!! Up until now we had been only allowing
> > this extra move if they started on the board. Which is best?
Depends on what you want your drops to do. As a Tyranid I typically use my
drops to put 85-100 Assault of hurting right on top of my foes. If I do
that I don't need the extra 30cm of lictor move. If you try to drop to
control/deny areas of the table you'll want them.
> > I would also like any suggestions on using Infiltrators. It has been an
> > unmitigated failure each time I have used them . I play Tyranids with
> > Lictors at the front a large detachment. When used like this my opponent
> > either charges them with a smaller detachment or beats them in a
> firefight.
> > Once this happens the whole detachment has to retreat even if they where
> > 20cm away and only one Lictor was engaged.
As pointed out before you don't need to retreat the full 20cm -- just out
of range 15 to avoid 'elim for failure to rout'.
We've just started playing on 'GW Regulation' 6'x4' tables. I found ground
Lictors a *great* deterrent:
Assault orders. 30cm free + 15cm move + 30cm charge = 75cm
4' ~= 120cm - 75cm = 45cm
To reach 45cm in most armies have to either march or be mechanized and
either march or be on assault orders.
Conclusion: Lictors will prevent fast movers from marching more than 45cm
onto the board which greatly cuts into their speed. [Forget ground pounders
as they'll still get their full move] Your goal is to cut down on the
usefulness of the transports your opponent has paid for. In the assault
phase the rest of the lictor detachment moves up while the lictors stay.
Final disposition:
Lictors have moved 30 + 15 = 45 and prevented rhinos [ex.] from marching
Rest have moved 15 + 15 = 30 and detachment is all nice and cozy again.
Another use for Lictors: bulk up a Tyranid mechanized detachment. Lictors
are armor 6 like assault spawn and can keep up with them on the first turn.
Lictor 30 + 15*3 [march] = 75cm
ASpawn 25*3 [march] = 75cm -or- (25-5)*3 [march/unload] = 60cm
As you'll want to unload on Turn 1 or 2 anyway you save points by not having
to buy Spawn for the Lictors.
Sean U
Sean A Upchurch
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Sean.Upchurch_at_...
Member of Information Systems and Computer Science Staff - Associate
Received on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 19:36:27 UTC