I met with my gaming group Sunday and one asked the fateful
question -- So what's this Guard thing everyone's talking about.
Bad news: I had to go over *everything* all over again
Good news: We might have found a solution. If you look at WH40K
which E40K is trying its best to emulate you see the structure of
the Guard army. 1 Command Squad + 3 Battle Line + 3 Support. The
Battle Line can be tactical, heavy or Rough Rider [if RR HQ] squads
only. Support can be anything: ratlings, tanks, sentinels, or *more*
squads! E40K is missing this "squads as support" that WH40K has.
[more or less -- no codex handy but this should be 85-90% accurate]
Solution: Allow the Guard Infantry Detachment to take Tactical or Heavy
Squads in the 'Support' section [with the same options as Main Force]
of the Detachment list.
This allows as single HQ to command 6 squads max [12 units] just like it
can in 40K *AND* emulates the "older" Infantry companies people seem to
want to have again [2HQ + 30 Units] fairly closely [2HQ + 24 Units].
This also helps fulfill the Primarch request to make up an 'infantry only'
detachment. Placing the extra infantry in the support slots naturally
forces the player to choose to have tanks or infantry and doesn't force
the creation of a new detachment type -- since the AofI already has many.
Apologies if this has been mentioned before -- I haven't been keeping as
close a watch as usual on list traffic. It probably has as it seems the
obvious solution.
Sean U
Sean A Upchurch
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Sean.Upchurch_at_...
Member of Information Systems and Computer Science Staff - Associate
Received on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 19:22:17 UTC