[Epic] Dropship Issue 1 available now!

From: Carl Woodrow <carl.woodrow_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 23:57:55 -0000

Hi all,
        Well it is finally complete. 'Dropship' Issue One can now be downloaded from the link below. I will make changes to my site to link directly to it shorty (so you don't have to trawl through countless pages first) so please bear with me in the meantime. If you use IE4 then visit Gene-seed to set up automatic e-mail notifications of updates...Gene-seed is 'Active Channel' compliant.

If you manage an Epic site and want to include the new 'Dropship Available Here' logo and link, then get in touch and I will tell you how to set one up. A big thank you to everyone on the list who helped get Issue One underway (particularly all contributors). Issue Two is already underway so if you have an article you would like included, now is the time to send it in (details available in the contact section of the first issue).

I hope you folks have as much fun reading it as I have had putting Dropship together.

Dropship Issue One available at http://freespace.virgin.net/carl.woodrow/epic/indexd.htm

Carl Woodrow
Gryphonne IV Gene-seed
Received on Fri Jan 23 1998 - 23:57:55 UTC

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