At 06:28 PM 1/28/98 -0600, Michael & Catherine wrote:
> I wish they would bring out squats for Epic40k and WH40k first (official
> lists). My wife is a squat player and won't even touch anything else.
Hear hear. Although there are unofficial lists and rules available I think
GW has a moral obligation to those of us who have bought their Squat
figures to provide officially recognised rules and lists.
It is infuriating when just last week the staff at my local GW shop tried
to give me an involved (and bloody stupid) rationale for no Squats which in
brief went like this:
Squats are a dying race and they would be unable to field a battle force
large enough to warrant a game.
!!!!!!!! I presume they dreamed this up themselves as surely even the head
honchos at GW wouldn't suggest anything so feeble.
The staff declined to buy all my Squats from me to compensate for making
them obselete. Surprise.
The unofficial lists and rules are good and I play with them myself but
that doesn't help me at competitions - especially if GW is sponsoring the
The salient point is that GW have already successfully sold Squat figures
and there is no money in producing lists and rules. GW is a figure
manufacturer first and foremost - games are only designed to sell figures.
More of such ranting to be found on my web page so I'll quit before I start
to hyper-ventilate.
"The important lesson is that you can get what
you want and still not be very happy"
Pope Cerebus
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Received on Thu Jan 29 1998 - 01:08:28 UTC