Re: [Epic] Net Epic: First Fire & Command Units

From: Peter Ramos <pramos1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 12:02:23 +0000

> As the rules go you cannot shoot at a command unit unless it is not the
> closest unit to you. This rule sometimes creates very illogical situations
> where the weapon you fire is incapable of damaging the closer units. A
> command unit walking besides a SHV or strolling between troops dug-in in
> fortifications, in spite of being the most (perhaps only) eligible unit
> within LOS, is safe from infantry fire. This is especially frustrating in
> cases like 2 tech-marines and 3 shadow swords "protect" each other.
> How about modifying the rule to read as something like:
> "A command unit cannot be shot at if there are closer targets to the
> shooting unit that are damagable by the shooting weapon".
> S. Birol Akmeric
> nethol_at_...
This is also a good point to discuss here, personally as long as they
cant be singled out any compromise is good.

Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 12:02:23 UTC

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