Re: [Epic] Dirtside II

From: Andy Skinner <askinner_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 08:06:51 -0500

Aaron P Teske wrote:
> Very good synopsis, Andy, not a lot I can add. However, two things:
> Excerpts from Epic: 10-Feb-98 Re: [Epic] Dirtside II by Andy Skinner_at_...
> > Some GW models with fixed guns suffer in DSII, which uses a rule that
> > fixed guns may not move after they shoot in their activation.
> I think you mixed these up; fixed guns cannot fire after they move,
> which means that your enemy literally has to walk into your gunsights in
> order for fixed guns to shoot.
Yep, you're right. I see that they have to do something, because in a
where you can move and then immediately shoot, having to fire straight
doesn't penalize you much.

> (Well, you get a 15 degree arc or so,
> but that's it.) Thus, most Falcons end up with turreted main guns... go
> for the effect, not the reality. ^_-
As long as the turreted gun (which costs more capacity points) still
into your vehicle. I think I'd allow fixed weapons to be bigger than
normal weapon size limits.

> [snicker-snack]
> >I'd make some of the aircraft from Epic
> > into VTOLs, because I like having the models on the board. The aerospace
> > craft rules are similar to E40K, flying across the board in a turn.
> <cough>
> Actually, IMO the aircraft rules in E40K are similar to DSII's... but
> that might just be getting nitpicky. ^_-

I remember first hearing about some of the E40K changes, and it really
sounded like DSII had affected a number of areas.


Andy Skinner
Received on Wed Feb 11 1998 - 13:06:51 UTC

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