[Epic] 1st Battle

From: Richard Newbre <anewbre_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 05:53:13 -0700

Although I purchased Epic 40K when it was first available, I Couldn't find
any opponents in Santa Fe, NM. Nate lent me his SM/TL rules last week and we
played Sunday.

2000 points/side:
 Nate (Space MArines)
Space MArine Co. (1st Mar. 2nd Mar. 3rd Mar. Rhno)
Landspeeder/Bike Co. (Lds, Bks)
2 Hell hound Titans (1HHT, 2HHT)
ThunderHawk Transporting Termies (TTT)

 Andy (Eldar)
  Guardian Warhost (1st Grd, 2nd Grd, 3rd Grd, FLCN)
Squadron Jet Bikes (JBK)
Squadron Vipers (Vpr)
Squadron of Tempests (TMP)
Squad of Swooping Hawks (SH)
Fire Prism (FP)
Avatar (AVT)

Map Legend: ^^^^^ ======
                       ( ) [ ]
                        -------- Hill ====== Building X

SM Depolyment Zone
           1st Mar.(RHNO) Rhno (CMMDR) 2nd. Mar.(Rhno) 3rd Mar.(Rhno)
               1LDS 1HHT 2HHT 2LDS
                                                    [ X ]

                                    [ ]=[ ] ----------
                                   == ==
( ) ----------------------
    --------------- [ ] [ ] X
  == ---------- ( )
   ( ) [ == ] [ ]
( )
   ( ) ( ) [ X ] [ ]
( )
    ( ( ) ( ) ) [ ]== [ ] ==
( )
      ( X )
( X )
       ------------ ---------
== ( )
                              ( )
[ ] ----------------------
                               ---------- [ ==
X ==]

[ ]


[ ]
[X] -------
                                          ( X )
[ ] ( )
== -------
                1st Grd (FLC) TMP JTBK
                      2nd Grd (FLC) SH VPR AVT
                           3rd Grd (FLC)
Eldar Depolyment Zone

Turn 1.
Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 12:53:13 UTC

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