RE: [Epic] [versions] was RGMW Newsgroup.

From: Kelley, Kevin J., JCS <kevin.kelley_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:45:46 -0500

> Sauron1 wrote
> Conflicts in rules changes between versions somehow leads to
> personality
> conflicts problems. When WRG came out with, I believe 7th edition of
> the
> Ancients rules, the changes were so dramatic it caused a split in my
> Wargame
> club with six original members forming their own group.
> As many of both groups are leaders in the WRG Ancients fields, and
> we
> have twice ran the North American National championships, this has
> caused
> quite a strain on the club.The split lasts to this day and most of us
> no
> longer even game in WRG Ancients.
        There is another comparsion from ancients which may have some
bearing on the EPIC40k vs Epic SM/TL.

        Sauron is tallking about the change form 6th to 7th edition WRG
ancients which happened more than several years ago.
        The change from 6th to 7th was one of form as opposed to
                Since then another ancients set of rules called DBM has
eclipsed the WRG fanatics. (me? biased?) DBM has extremely simple rules,
but is a complex game. For example, a spear unit has two combat
values, one vs ft and one vs mtd, and one of three troop grades. In the
WRG system you had 5 troop grades, several possible armour values
(Heavy, Lt heavy , Med, Med hvy) and a plethora of weapon types - long
spear, javelin, darts, shield (or no shield) & etc.
                DBM is slowly encroaching on the remaining bastions of
7th ed at Cold Wars and Historicon (two cons down here) .
        Oddly, NASAMW, the ancients hobby group, has managed to
accommodate both sets of rules without too much "mine is better than
yours" infighting. Mainly because in the end, the goal is "anicients" -
no a particularlr rule set.
                The key developement has been the return of younger
players and [gasp] some ladies
        to the ancients tournaments with the growing popularity of DBM.
WRG6th/7th rules had gotten so involved and convoluted (the judges
interps for a tounament ran 17 pages) that there were no new players.
                Quite frankly, EPIC40k rules have neither the style nor
elegance of the DBM ruleset. For EPIC its draw is the minis and visual
appael. Is this drawing younger players? I dont know, but that is
where the futrue is.

        Back to lurking :)

Received on Tue Feb 24 1998 - 12:45:46 UTC

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