[Epic] 1st battle-repost

From: Richard Newbre <anewbre_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 05:09:11 -0700

Although I purchased Epic 40K when it was first available, I Couldn't find
any opponents in Santa Fe, NM. Nate lent me his SM/TL rules last week and we
played Sunday.
2000 points/side:
Nate (Space MArines)
Space MArine Co. (1st Mar. 2nd Mar. 3rd Mar. Rhno)
Landspeeder/Bike Co. (Lds, Bks)
2 Hell hound Titans (1HHT, 2HHT)
ThunderHawk Transporting Termies (TTT)
Andy (Eldar)
  Guardian Warhost (1st Grd, 2nd Grd, 3rd Grd, FLCN)
Squadron Jet Bikes (JBK)
Squadron Vipers (Vpr)
Squadron of Tempests (TMP)
Squad of Swooping Hawks (SH)
Fire Prism (FP)
Avatar (AVT)
Map Legend: -------- ======
                       ( ) [ ]
                        -------- Hill ====== Building X Objective
SM Depolyment Zone
 1st M.(Rhno) Rhno (CMMDR) 2nd. M.(Rhno) 3rd M.(Rhno)
              1HHT 1LDS 2HHT 2LDS BKS
                                 ==== ==
                                 [ X ] [ ]
                                 [ ]=[ ] == -----
              == ==
                                      ( ) ----------
 ----- [ ] [ ] X = -----
( )
( ) [ X ] [ ]
( )
( X ) [ ] [ ] =
( )
( ) ( ) == ==
( X )
 -- -- =
( )
              ------- [ ]
( )
             ( ) [=
              ------- [ ]

                            -------------- =
                           ( X )
                             -------------- =

                                    [ ] -----
      1st G(FLC) TMP JTBK FP
                2nd G(FLC) SH VPR AVT
                       3rd G(FLC)
Eldar Depolyment Zone
Turn 1. Marines get initative, Eldar move 1st: all advacne except tempests
and Fire Prisms which 1st fire. All Marines charge except Titans which

                                 =.(Rhno) ==
                                 [2ndM ] [ ]
                                 [ ]=[ ] ==2HHT-----
                                        (BKS) ----------
 ---1HHT [ ] [ ] Rhno (cdr) = -----
( ) [1st M ] [ ]
( )
( X ) [ ] [ ] = 3rd
( ) ( ) == == 2LDS
 X )
 -- -- = VPR
( )
              ------- [ ] JTBK
( )
 1st G(FLC ) [=
              ------- [ ]
            2nd G (FLC
                   3rd G (FLC-SH- =
                           ( X ) [X]
        AVT -----
                             -------------- =
                                   TMP FP

  1st Fire: Tempests immobilize 2HHT, Fire Prism kills a Rhino.
CC:2LDS kills Vypers. Advance Fire; 2HHT kills a Jetbike and SH stand,
Avatar and Jtbks kill 2 stands of 3rdM. Falcons damage 1HHT (4-6 to act)
Score: Eldar 15; SM 18.

2nd Turn: Eldar get initative, Marines move 1st. 1st Fire: 1stM, 2ndM, 2HHT,
TMP, FP;Charge: 2LDS, BKS,Avatar, SH; Advance: 1stG, 2ndG, 3rd G, JTBKS.
1HHT fails roll.

                                 =.(Rhno) ==
                                 [2ndM ] [ ]
                                 [ ]=[ ] ==2HHT-----
   1LDS =Rhno= (BKS) ----------
 ---1HHT [ ] [ ] Rhno (cdr) = -----
( ) [1st M ] JTBK [ ]
( FLC ) [ ] [ ] =
(1st G ) == ==
( X )
 -- --2nd G (FLC) = 2LDS
              ------- [ ]
( )
          3rd G (FLC )
H] ------
              ------- [ ]

                             -------------- =
                           ( X ) [3rd
                             -------------- =AVT
                                   TMP FP

1st Fire: TMP damage 1HHT(25%CC), 2HHT kills a TMP,FP damages 2HHT,2ndM kill
2 JTBKS, 1stM kill 3 FLC. CC: AVT kills Marine stand. Advance Fire:
Guardians kill 1LDS, JTBKS miss command Rhino, more damage on 1HHT.
Score: Eldar - 15, Marines 28

3rd Turn: Eldar get Initative, Marines move first. 1st fire: 1stM, 2ndM,
2HHT, Tmp, FP. Charge: 1stG, 2ndG, 3rdG, SH; 1stM's RHNOs, 3rdM, 2LDS,BKS,
Thunderhawk drops Termies on Tempest. Advance: FAlcons, 1HHT,JTBKS.

                                 =.(Rhno) ==
                                 [2ndM ] [ ]
                                 [ ]=[ ] == 2HHT-----
     Rhno ==
                                               (BKS) ----------
  ---1st G [ ] SH ] Rhno (cdr) = -----
( ) [1st M ] JTBK [ ]
( )
( 1HHT ) [ ] [ ] =
(3rd G ) =2ndG= FLC
 X )
 -- -- =
( )
              ------- [ ]
( )
          ( )
  [ X ] ------
              ------- [ ]

                             -------------- =
                           ( X ) [3rd
                             -------------- 2LDS/AVT ( )
                                   TMP FP
1st Fire: TMP kill 2 termies and more damage on 2HHT, 1stM Kill 2 stands of
Guardians and 1 SH (Break). FP damages 2HHT, 2HHT kills Fire Prism. 2ndM
miss Jetbikes. CC: Avatar kills 2 LDS(Break-Fall back) and 2 Marines!, 1st M
kill 2 guardians SH kill 2 Marines, Guardians kill 1HHT it falls away, 1stG
kills 4 rhinos, lose 2. Termies kill one TMP (Break). Advance fire: JTBKS
kill command Rhino,Falcons blast building to no effect.
Score: Eldar: 24 Marines: 28

4th Turn: Eldar get Initative, Marines move first. 1st fire: 1stM, 2ndM,
2HHT. Charge: 1stG, AVT, 3rdM. Advance: Thunderhawk w/Termies, TMP,JTBKS,
3rdG, FLC.

                                 =.(Rhno) ==
                                 [2ndM ] [ ]
                                 [ ]=[ ] 2LDS == 2HHT -----
                      == JTBK
                 (BKS) ----------
  --- 1st G[ ] SH ] = -----
( )
( )3rd G [1st M ] [ ]
( )
( ) [ ] [ ] =
( ) =2ndG=
( X )
              ------- [ ]
( )
          ( )
X ] ------
              ------- [ ] 3rd M
                                         TMP AVT
                             -------------- =

                           ( X )
     [ ] -----
   1st Fire: 1stM kill guardian, 2ndM kills a Falcon, 2HHT has no targets.
CC: 1stM kills a guardian guardians/SH kill 2 Marines(Breaks). Advance fire:
TMP kills Thunderhawk w/ Termies. JTBKS kill last LDS.
Score Eldar: 37 Marines 28.

Since this is my 1st game, I have some questions: Can the Avatar enter
building? We let him CC but not enter. Can transports drop off their
passengers and have different orders? Can they leave the formation? If you
have charge orders, must you move?

What I learned: Iniitative is the most important roll in the game.
Landspeeders and jetbikes can engage in CC on the first turn. Don't bother
trying to shoot at infantry in buildings. Get your infantry in buildings as
quickly as possible.

Tactically speaking, I am quite pleased with myself for winning, but I can't
help but think that Nate, an experienced player made some tactical "errors"
for my benefit. For instance, his bike squadron sat out most of the game
with charge orders but never moved. His command Rhino was out in the middle
of the board and he let me shoot it twice.

Tell me what you think.
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 12:09:11 UTC

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