Re: [Epic] Orks in various rules set

From: <pentacle_at_...>
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 11:11:52 -0500

>Normally I clip sig lines, but this one is to good to miss.
>Task Force Cheddar
>Liberian Roquefort in Land Raider
>Captain Brie in Land Raider
>10 stands Terminators mounted in Land Raiders
>10 Support weapons
>Each LR carries a support weapon.
>This gives 34 AT shots at 45 cm and 20 fire power _at_ 30 cm when on over
>watch. This forms part one of the wall of death.
>Detachment 2 of the wall of death
>Tactical Company
>Liberian Jack in Rhino
>Captain Colby in Rhino
>10 SM squads in Rhinos
>10 Dreadnoughts in support
>This gives 20 fire power _at_ 45 cm and 60 at 30 cm when on over watch.
>Artillery support:
>6 heavy arty
>3 death strike missiles
>6 Hydra AAA
>9 Leman Russ MBT
>Also on the battle field
>3 Shadow Swords + 1 Bane blade.
>We were playing "Planetary assault". I was defender. All my units
>started on the board. None were suprised.
>Basic game concept: The 2 halves of the wall of death set up in line
>formation, right at the 1/2 mark of the table, set over watch and killed
>any thing that got in front of them.
>Yes, there was tons of terrain on the board but there was enough field
>of fire to cause some real problems if your were not careful.
>1) Turn one:
>He moved first.
>Put Artillery in "Special Orders". Blast his artillery as it comes on
>the board.
>Kill with death strikes his super heavy tanks detachments (broke both
>detachments of 3 tanks each with one shot per detachment.
>Kill his "Nuns with Guns" detachment that got in front of Task Force
>Cheddar (using half of the detachment).
>Turn 2).
>Break his attack bike detachment the attempted to get close to the
>tactical marines. I lost a few dreads and Rhinos.
>Turn 3:
>Kill off his battle company with TFC and chew up his Land Raiders with
>Artillery, Shadow swords and the tactical marines. He pops a few
>marines of the tactical company.
>Turn 4: clean up the rest, so to speak.
>Total Moral at end was 0 to 62. I think I lost a total of 2 moral due
>to some blast markers.

I would like to say at this point that with out a doubt this is the
ceesiest army I have ever heard of. The names are so appropriate that it
scares me. You actually plan to use this army do you? I am so scared that
somebody in my neck of the woods might pick up on this idea and use it,
that I am going to buy every landraider in Philadephia just so they can't.

                        Aerich Frodoson
                                "When all else fails, use mozerella"
Received on Sun Mar 01 1998 - 16:11:52 UTC

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