Aaron P Teske wrote:
> Excerpts from Epic: 5-Mar-98 Re: [Epic] ouch by Andy Skinner_at_...
> > I wondered whether tunnelers (whether shooting or transporting) should
> > take an extra turn showing up at their targets. But I'm not very
> > familiar with any of the tunneling rules, so I won't propose anything.
> > I'll just convert all my minis.
> You know, Andy, given the way you're wounding yourself, if might just be
> easier to leave the mole mortars as-is on the base, and use a pin vise
> to drill out the "tube" pointing upward... basically, reverse the
> direction of the mortar, without actually doing much.
I looked at that first, and I admit that might look more realistic,
because the thing would be more supported by the ground. But I just
thought the other end looked better as the back of the thing.
Andy Skinner
Received on Thu Mar 05 1998 - 18:59:27 UTC